(Thanks Heyloa Keyloa for the translation!)
Here's my story of ordering the Adam:
I received my first mail from notion ink at 6:18am local time, which stated that I would receive my second mail (the one allowing for me to order) at 9am Indian time. This is 4am local time. Which made me think:"Whuh ? Shouldn't I already have received that mail ? " Eventually I received said mail at 11:37am local time. It said: AN ADAM FOR YOU.
It contained a link which sent me directly to the store and allowed me to put one aside for me. Step 1: SUCCESS!
Even the payment seemed to go smoothly, until verification that is. I got the same notification over and over again, being that they couldn't reach my bank. Initially I thought I was doing something wrong or that I made an error in filling out one of the fields ("all fields are mandatory" !). In the meanwhile, Rohan updated his blog with the specific message that we absolutely had to warn/call our banks. Well... I had already called visa, aka BCC, aka Athos. They reassured me that there would be no problem at all transferring money to India.
"Ok...", I thought:"What now?!". "Backup the whole ordeal?". "*shoot* I'm no longer receiving an order number?!" Well, needless to say that registered in my mind as "oh oh, not good".
When I again clicked on the same link, I did however get automatically re-directed to the payment section of the order and I could try once more. *relief!* I was afraid though, that they would charge me for multiple Adams, because of all my failed attempts. After three additional attempts, I just quit altogether...
I went back to reading the NI blog and could see that numerous people encountered the same problem. No answers from NI Support, none from CC-avenue (transaction manager). You did have to provide your bank name. So I tried again, with the name of a different bank. BCC this time, and another time with ATOS. I almost had a "eureka" moment, but .... nope ... a dud ... again.
Later that day I eventually decided to call my bank. I explained the situation to them, told them that whatever I tried, I couldn't make the payment I wanted to make. After being put on hold a few times, she explained to me that if I didn't use my card reader to verify the payment, any such payment would be blocked. That was news to me... I asked her if there was any way to circumvent this. She hesitated, and said:"Well, no .... and yes...". Eventually she gave me an email address from the main office of my bank to which I had to mail a file with all the print-screens of the different stages of the on-line order during payment. And also of my partially hidden Visa card. I did this instantly of course.
In the meanwhile, it was already 3.30pm. At 4pm the bank contacted me asking about the card number of my visa. He somehow connected a wrong visa number that didn't exist to my name. After I rectified that situation, the man went mute. No communication any more whatsoever...
Once I got home from work I wanted to try again, but this time I obviously logged in from my home computer instead of from the one at work. Which didn't work! So I kind of suspect that once you order from a certain PC, a file is saved somewhere telling NI systems that you ordered from that specific computer. And that it won't allow you to place an order from any other pc.
I again went to the blog to read more comments, and apparently after 7.30pm, some people were succeeding in finishing their order by paying for it. I had to wait until 9pm, before I could make it back to work to get to the same computer I tried my first orders on. I had left it on when I went home.
And guess what ? This time it worked from the get go!!! I also had to verify the payment with my card reader.
Lessons to be gotten from my story:
x once you start your order from a certain pc, you'll have to finish it from that one
x don't forget your card reader for verification
x be patient ! Perhaps it was just the over crowded server at CC-avenue that caused the problems ?
So there it is. I got to order my Adam. To all of you whom are still waiting to do so: I wish you good luck!!!