This is a "my adams configuration page" , where people can add their own little blog page explaining all the stuff they installed on their adams, why and where to find the software.


  1. ***Woops***

    Some big errors in what I wrote. Dunno WHAT I was thinking at the time I wrote it, perhaps I wasn't thinking all too hard at all. lol

    I meant to say: Perhaps a "my adams configuration page" could be included, where people can add THEIR own little blog page explaining all the stuff they INSTALLED on their adams, why and hwere to find the software". (you may want to correct this ? :) )

  2. I didn't see anything ;) Corrected

  3. nll083t is an adamite that has gathered together all the notionink youtube video's he could find and is still doing so. Nice to check up on, to see if you didn't miss one. ;)

  4. Hi Guys, this is Winston, just got my Adam a couple days ago, and have a few questions:
    1 How do I get rid of the blinking cursor at the top left corner of the Screen?
    2 How do I make the apps stay on the leaves?
    3 How can I download and install Apps?
    I know it sounds elementary, but please give some help, I would appreciate it greatly.

  5. Got my Adam but I have an annoying problem. The status bar on the top of the screen blocks the top of almost every app. When running the browser I can not see the area to put in a URL. Most are the same. Is this normal?

  6. @ Winston and Mike. If it's so that you've installed the last update it worries me a little that you remain having these problems. I remember Greg(NI fan)quoting that the next update will have these solved. If not you can always try rooting it with EdenX or another rom and use for example Launcher Pro. However I'm not the better informant for you because I still don't have my Adam.

  7. @ Winston. Installing apps is easy. Just download the apk and it will install itself after selecting it. You can download them from sites like (see androidtipstap in this blog)

  8. Thanks guys for the helpful tips, I have rooted the Adam with some very clear and precise tutorial and it has helped, it still turns off in inadvertently, but I'm encouraged to hear that the honeycomb will be released soon.

  9. @)oe( My Adam is fully up to date and still the cut off top of screen. Disappointing for something so basic.

  10. @Mike
    The statusbar can be hidden by just tapping the battery in it.

  11. Hello,
    Excuse my English: it is a google translation! but I put the text in French if required: thank you
    your blog is very well done and mostly clear and well built, I would like to register, but how? thank you for giving me the answer on this page that I will consult
    excusez mon anglais, c'est une traduction de google, merci
    votre blog est tès bien fait, bien construit et clair donc très utile;
    j'aimerai m'inscrire mais comment faire?
    donnez-moi la réponse sur cette page que je consulterai, merci

  12. @ Annonimous,
    Bien-venu sur le blog. Si vous avez vous-même un blog qui parle de votre Adam, de votre utilisation, ainsi que les apps que vous utilisez, vous pouvez poster le lien ici. C'est tout. Je vous invite aussi à vous inscrire dans la page des "languagezones" en laissant un comment avec l'endroit d'ou vous venez. Avec un peu de chance qqun deviendra votre voisin Adam. Merci pour le compliment. Le site deviendra bientot encore plus utile. Tenez le à l'oeil.

  13. Good evening Joe!
    Thank you for the cordiality of your reply, I'll put in the "languagezones

    Bonsoir Joe!
    Merci pour la cordialité de votre réponse, je vais m'inscrire sur la page "Languagezones"
