Thursday, 14 April 2011

My Homemade traveling-box (adaptation of original Adam box)

Since I was in a creative mood yesterday, I also adapted my Adam box so it would fit in my bag. So after making my sleeve (see previous article), I thought it would be nice to have a more robust case to transport my Adam in. That's why I adapted the box, keeping the original idea of the integrated stand, but making it less thick.

Here are the steps I followed and of course the result: (it would be nice to cover it with a nice material like leather or something, and just leaving the logo)

 The original box
 See how fat it is!
 Keep the original protective padding
 Open the sides
 Tape the connections and draw Adam profile-lines
 this line will be the new folding line: the rest has to be cut away after folding
Do this for all the sides and glue them back or use double sided tape
Now the stand: it has to be slightly adapted to fold in between the protective padding: narrowing the sides

 Now attach the padding with double-sided tape . Let it follow the upperside of the box
 The result!
Adam can be used inside of this box: the rubber already has the necessary gaps!

 Do the same with the cover: make it thinner by refolding it following the profile of the under-box
 et voilĂ !


  1. I wish I could've seen this before I threw away my Adam box. Absolute genius.

  2. So cool! Made it myself today and it's very sturdy. You do need quite some "folding power" (*my poor fingers*) to get it to stay down and look pretty. ;)

    Nice to have something whilst waiting for an adamant case. As Robert said, Genius Idea!!! :D

  3. I wish I could have seen this before I threw away my Adam box. Absolute genius.
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