Sunday, 23 January 2011


[ERRORUPDATE: click on the title if you want to go to the page] It wasn't possible to correct the error in the page bar above

First a nice little story I heard:

In a forgotten land, a man was sitting the whole day with his feet in the water enjoying every minute of his life. After a few days, an American that saw him can not help himself going to him and tell him to stand up. "Come on man!, Stand up" "Seek a good job and do something of your life!" 
"Why", replies the man
"Well, then you can make yourself useful and get money, lots of money!"
"Yes, but why!" replies the man "What's money good for?"
The American is surprised. "Well, heu..., then you will be able to buy everything and get rich!"
"And????" the man looks to him without understanding...
Finally the American replies: "Well, with lots of money you would be able to buy yourself an island and sit the whole day... with your feet in the water"......

However I would like to sit the whole day with my feet in the water enjoying my Adam, I could probably not resist to keep on thinking about how to make it better yet. That's why I chose this weeks comment from:
Heyloa Keyloa . He said... " I was wondering if a "notion ink innovations" (or something like that) could be added too as a menu. Just a place where people can talk about things that they'd like the notion ink to adopt in an Adam 2 or if possible in "upgrades" of the Adam 1..."

Thanks HEYLOA KEYLOA . I took this under consideration and added a page on the site: "Thinktank" I developed the idea further and would like to start something here:

I would like to start a thinktank about some aspects of tablets, their use and way to work with them. The tablet makers dictate us how we live and what we need, but maybe it should be the other way around. Maybe we should tell them what we want first. Adam is the first tablet developed with input of people from all around the world. That's a wonderful start! Adam 2 will and can certainly be even better. Now that Adam 1 is launched, it is interesting to think about what could have been done better to perhaps even (RE)DESIGN A WHOLE NEW CONCEPT, something compatible or complementary to Adam. What we don't know yet. That's the nice and interesting part of it. We don't know where it will get us.

I'd like to make a group of people from different work fields, and take us through  different phases to finally reach a new product really designed for everyone. Ideally the group would also contain technicians and developers and some people of NOTIONINK too. We want to build further on what NI started and help them.

1) Inventory: gathering as much as possible information, running ideas, needs,...
2) Interpretation: searching for relations, connections, making schemes, ...
3) Evaluation: what works well, what not
4) the problems: what are the REAL problems and which are less relevant?
5) Alternative options and solutions
6) The design....

Who wants to be part of this? Everybody is welcome.


  1. As an Adam fan who will get one soon, I want to enjoy this site, but before I can do so, you have to learn how to write. It's never a popular position to be the fascist of grammar and usage but you, at the very least, want your ideas to be intelligible. Take it constructively.

  2. Is it really that bad? You are already the second one to tell me..... I'm not a native-speaker. I'll do my best. Of course it is the idea that counts. I hope you understand what I mean to realize. If something is not clear, please tell me. You are very welcome :)

  3. lol joe, it's ok man. Perhaps all the people being annoyed by this, could also help you out by pointing out some of the errors. You know, being constructive and all. That's just my two cents of course.

    I hope it wont offend you Joe, but here are few of those things ppl apparently find annoying (I don't get it though, I can understand what you mean to say perfectly and obviously others can too, and as far as I'm concerned, the actual understanding is the most important part...)

    "However I would like to sit the whole day with my feet in the water enjoying my Adam, I could probably not resist to keep on thinking about how to make it even better yet (yet better). That's why I chose (choosed) this weeks comment from:"

    "I developed the idea further and would like to start something (up) here:" (don't add the "up", that's a literal translation from the dutch word "opstarten", but in english it's said without translating the "up" :D

    "The tablet makers dictate us how we live and what we need, but maybe it should be (is) the other way around (round).
    They is unclear as a referral, it comes across as a tablet telling us how to live, lol, I'm pretty sure you meant the tablet makers in this instance.
    You can't use "is" here because you mean to describe a situation that "is not yet" there, but "should be" there, hence the "should be".

    "it is interesting to think ABOUT what could have been done better and to perhaps even (even further) (RE)DESIGN A WHOLE NEW CONCEPT, something compatible or complementary (complementory) to Adam."
    - you either design a new concept, or re-design a concept :)

    I'm going to stop here, just to show you that "yes" there are some errors in your writing but the message is still crystal clear to me.

    I don't like people always nagging about vocabulary and grammar when they KNOW the person is not a native english speaker. I'm always happy when people speak my language (which is dutch), I don't tend to care if it is with or without mistakes, I'm happy they take the effort to speak my language and as long as I can communicate with them I'm quite happy.

    Strange that the same can not be said about some of the english speaking people... Even stranger so: Rohan from NI himself, doesn't write flawlessly either, I don't see people shitting on him...

    And by all means, correct all mistakes you can find, I'm always happy to learn more.

    ps: joe, if you'd like, you could always send the posts you'd like to put on here to me first. I'm happy to help you out and I can try to get out some of the errors before you post. That way you can compare what you wrote to what I made of it, it wont be without mistakes either but I'm sure it'll be educational for the both of us. ;)

  4. Now what I actually wanted to say; I can't post on "thinkthank". :)

  5. The problem with commenting "Thinktank"is fixed . Thanks for your support! I'll screen my texts later today.Nice to hear about you Belgians. I don't have an Adam yet. Got the mail (at 8.00 pm)from preorder 1 and had to wait till next morning to have access to server. At 7.00am I saw I could order, but had to bring the kids at school. So I forwarded it to my work to be able to order after an hour. By then the Pixel Qi was sold out.... I hope for the best now with preorder 2.

  6. hi Heyloa Keyloa, It really seems I made some serious grammatical errors. So thanks for your help. To be able to post you first I would need your address... You can post it to . However I don't know if it will be practical, doing it that way. It seems I need to refresh my English. You know, I speak 5 languages: Dutch, French, English, German,Polish,... but I'm more of a mathematical person.
    I'm also always the one to adapt me to the others and probably lots of Belgians do so. That's our way of being, so I follow you completely.

  7. I know your problem. I also speak Dutch, French and English quite fluently. I can make myself understandable in German and since recently I can also utter and comprehend some Spanish.

    Obviously I'm more fluent in some of these, than in others. If you don't speak and use a language every day, you just loose some of the ability to use it properly. Priorities change and stuff.

    Even though it is indeed not the most practical thing to do, if you'd still like me to pre-check some stuff that's ok, I sent you my email. So it's up to you. ;)

  8. Ok partner,you can send it to me. Maybe you also have some ideas of items for the blog. I could need some help. :)
    communicating in dutch is probably also easier. I'm waiting. By now I'm also really messed-up about the screenproblem and waiting for the preorder. I allready have an idea for he next text . It seems to me a lot is happening these days and I can't focus that easy on some subjects now. There are a lot. Greg is posting his video by now and preorder is going on.... In the same time people gottheir Adam and are happy with it or not. Other are looking for really good applications....
